Due to CVPR deadline, we will move Nov.15's class to Friday Nov.16, 12:00pm-13:30pm, Gates 400.
Your one page course project proposal is due on Thursday Oct 11 in class. Please email your project proposal to with title "CS331 Project Proposal - [Your name]".
Please bring a laptop to each class. We will ask one student to be the scribe of each class, taking notes of the discussion. Then the note will be shared by everyone after class.
!!! New location of our class: Gates 498. !!!
If you have any question or suggestion, please email us at
Welcome to CS331, Advanced Reading in Computer Vision!
Instructor: Prof. Fei-Fei Li
Office: Room 246 Gates Bldg
Phone: (650)725-3860
Email: feifeili [at] cs [dot] stanford [dot] edu
Office hours: by email appointment
Course Assistant: Bangpeng Yao
Email: bangpeng [at] cs.stanford [dot] edu
Office hours: Tuesdays 4:00pm-5:00pm, Gates 244
Class Time and Location:
Thursdays 9:00am-10:30am - Room: Gates 498
Course Description:
This class is for current computer vision students who are doing computer vision research related to human action recognition and its related topics. We will read advanced papers on this topic, and carry out in-depth discussions of these papers as well as the students' own research projects.
Grading policy:
50% class participation; 50% project
CS231a or equivalent; instructor's approval
None required.