CS 223B Course Project



Two Project Choices -- Pick One of The Two:


1. The "Find Mii" Challenge: You will make a computer vision algorithm to play a Wii game for finding target of interest.


2. Open Research Project: You need to propose an original research topic, or replicate an existing paper. Need instructor's approval.
• Project Ideas and Suggestions
• Sample Project Reports by CS223B students


Important Dates


All dates and restrictions (if not specified otherwise) apply to the open project as well as the Find Mii challenge.


Jan 25, Finalizing team members : Maximum team size: 2. Send us an email with your team name and team members.


Jan 25, Proposal submission (open project only) : Submit a 0.5 page course project proposal. Please email Professor Fei-Fei well *before* the deadline to obtain approval.


Feb 15, Project milestone : Submit a 2-3 page course project milestone report.


Mar 15 (11:59pm), Final program submission for FindMii project : No late days allowed.


Mar 16 (11:59pm), Final write-up submission for both projects + Code submission for open project : No late days allowed.

The grading breakdown for the project has been posted here.


Mar 18 (10am - 12pm), Course project presentation and winner demos : We look forward to seeing your great work!


We don't set milestones for the project. But make sure to get it started as early as possible.


Project Submission Details

FindMii submission:
Code: Starting Tuesday, you can use the script "/afs/ir/class/cs223b/bin/submit" to submit your Wii Project code. This will be available from 12:01am to 11:59pm. You should run this from your working directory (that contains the files you want to submit). We will also post a help file in /afs/ir/class/cs223b/bin/README for more details on how to use this script.

Write-up: Email your Final Project write-up to: cs223bsubmit@gmail.com by March 16th (11:59 pm), with the following format:

Subject Line: Wii Project
Body: Full names of all group members and Project title
Attachments: Write-up as LastName_LastName_ProjectTitle_Paper.pdf, where the title has all the last names of the group members.


Open Project submission:
Email your Final Project write-up and zipped code to: cs223bsubmit@gmail.com by March 16th (11:59 pm), with the following format:

Subject Line: Open Project
Body: Full names of all group members, SUNet ID's and Project title
Attachments: Write-up as LastName_LastName_Paper.pdf, Code as LastName_LastName_Code.zip, where the titles have all the last names of the group members.


Project Proposal

We have provided the template for your final write-up. For open project, your proposal should follow the same template, and should be no more than 1 page. Your proposal should describe as clearly as possible the following:


• What is the computer vision problem that you will be investigating? Why is it interesting?

• What image or video data will you use? If you are collecting new datasets, how do you plan to collect them?

• What method or algorithm are you proposing? If there are existing implementations, will you use them and how? How do you plan to improve or modify such implementations?

• Which reading will you examine to provide context and background?

• How will you evaluate your results? Qualitatively, what kind of results do you expect (e.g. plots or figures)? Quantitatively, what kind of analysis will you use to evaluate and/or compare your results (e.g. what performance metrics or statistical tests)?


Project Milestone

Your project milestone report should be between 2 - 3 pages using the template provided. The following is a suggested structure for your report:

• Title, Author(s)

• Introduction: this section introduces your problem, and the overall plan for approaching your problem

• Problem statement: Describe your problem precisely specifying the dataset to be used, expected results and evaluation

• Technical Approach: Describe the methods you intend to apply to solve the given problem

• Intermediate/Preliminary Results: State and evaluate your results upto the milestone


Final Report

Your final write-up should be between 8 - 10 pages using the template provided. After the class, we will post all the final reports online (restricted to CS223b students only) so that you can read about each others’ work. If you do not want your writeup to be posted online, then please let us know at least a week in advance of the final writeup submission deadline. The following is a suggested structure for your report:


• Title, Author(s)

• Abstract: It should not be more than 300 words;

• Introduction: this section introduces your problem, and the overall plan for approaching your problem

• Background/Related Work: This section discusses relevant literature for your project

• Approach: This section details the framework of your project. Be specific, which means you might want to include equations, figures, plots, etc

• Experiment: This section begins with what kind of experiments you're doing, what kind of dataset(s) you're using, and what is the way you measure or evaluate your results. It then shows in details the results of your experiments. By details, I mean both quantitative evaluations (show numbers, figures, tables, etc) as well as qualitative results (show images, example results, etc).

• Conclusion: What have you learned? Suggest future ideas.

• References: This is absolutely necessary. Reports without references will not receive a score higher than 20 points (total is 40 points).

• Supplementary materials: This is NOT counted toward your 8-10 page limit. Please submit your codes as supplementary materials.


Honor Code


You may consult any papers, books, online references, or publicly available implementations (such as SIFT) for ideas and code that you may want to incorporate into your strategy or algorithm, so long as you clearly cite your sources in your code and your writeup. However, under no circumstances may you look at another group’s code or incorporate their code into your project.



The "Find Mii" Challenge


Find Mii on Wii


"Find Mii" is a game on Nintendo Wii Play. It basically involves identifying certian avatars (Miis) from a bunch of them, standing still or moving around in various styles. If you are not yet proficient in this game, let Elvis show you how to play it in the videos below.



As we know computers are designed to work in certain areas of human endeavor that are not terribly challenging to human intelligence but sometimes beyond human patience. In this course project you will be programming the computer to play the game as good as Elvis did.

You don't have to worry about any "interface" issue (as some of you asked in class). Actually you will only be dealing with images instead of programming the Wii game controller.


Project Mission


In the course project, you will be focusing on 4 tasks in "Find Mii" as described below.


Task 1 : Find this Mii! ... You will be given a reference picture of one Mii. Identify that one in a crowd.


Task 2 : Find 2 look-alikes! ... Pay attention to the faces (and hair styles?) as they might be wearing different sweaters.


Task 3 : Find n odd Miis out! ... Some Miis are odd in their styles of shaking heads or footsteps. Find them out.


Task 4 : Find the fastest Mii! ... Someone is running (or swimming) fast. Catch that one.


For each task you have 3 levels: easy, medium, and hard.


For each task & level we will give you a video file from gamplay (that would be 12 in total), and you need to identify a given number of Miis.


Minimum requirement: 3 different tasks, 1 level for each.

You will be handling different tasks & levels separately (of course you can have functionalities shared among them, just follow the comments in the infrastructure code). You don't have to do all the 12 task & levels, the minimum requirement is that you complete at least three different tasks, one level for each. However you are strongly encouraged to do all 4 tasks on higher levels to earn more points for the final challenge!