CS 598 - High-Level Recognition inComputer Vision |
Spring 2007by Fei-Fei Li |
Course home | Outline and lecture notes | Course project |
Time/Location: W 13:30 - 16:20, Computer Science Department, Room 401
Professor: Fei-Fei Li, Room 211 CS Building, (609)258-8130, feifeili [at] cs [dot] princeton [dot] edu
Graduate Coordinator: Melissa Lawson, Room 310 CS Building, 609-258-5387 mml [at] cs [dot] princeton [dot] edu
There are three course requirements:
Grading Policy:
Computer vision is concerned with the recognition and understanding of images. In recent years, our field has enjoyed some important breakthroughs in the area of high-level recognition, such as object identification, object categorization, and scene categorization. An increasing trend in the field is the utilization of advanced machine learning techniques such as graphical models, various inference algorithms, etc. This course will survey the recent developments of the high-level recognition problems by reading both classical and recent papers. We will organize the course around the important topics in high-level vision. In particular, we will put a focus on how different machine learning techniques have been applied to the specific vision questions.