Stanford Dogs Dataset --------------------- For more information about the dataset, please visit the dataset website: If you use this dataset in a publication, please cite the dataset as described on the website. File Information: - images/ -- Images of different breeds are in separate folders - annotations/ -- Bounding box annotations of images - file_list.mat -- List of all files in the dataset - train_list.mat -- List and labels of all training images in dataset - test_list.mat -- List and labels of all test images in dataset Train splits: In order to test with fewer than 100 images per class, the first n indices for each class in train_list.mat were used, where n is the number of training images per class. Features (train_data.mat, test_data.mat): - train_data/test_data -- contains the feature matrix after histogram intersection kernel has been applied - train_fg_data/test_fg_data -- contains the feature matrix before applying the histogram intersection kernel - train_info/test_info -- contains the labels and ids for the corresponding image in the feature matrix For more information, please contact Aditya Khosla at